Managing Risk Categories and Outcomes
Risk Outcomes represent what will occur if a risk event takes
place during the course of a project. When you assign risks to tasks
or resources or enter global risks, you must select what will happen
if the risk occurs. For example, if the risk “Change requirements”
occurs it will be cause a delay in the associated task. In this
case, “Task delay” is the outcome.
Risk outcomes are associated with Risk Categories. Among these
categories are Schedule and Scope, Cost and Income, Safety,
Performance, and others. Risk categories can be weighted and the
relative impact of risks (both schedule and non-schedule) based on
this weighting can be seen in the Risk Matrix. RiskyProject has two
risk categories that directly affect the project schedule, and each
of these categories has several possible outcomes. These outcomes
directly affect the calculation of cost, duration, and other
quantitative measures. These risk outcomes cannot be edited:
Category: Schedule and Scope
• Relative Delay
• Fixed Delay
• Restart Task
• End Task
• Cancel Task
• Cancel Task + all successors
Category: Cost and Income
• Relative cost increase
• Fixed cost increase
• Relative income increase
• Fixed income increase
Risks in RiskyProject
Risk Register