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Setting up risk defaults

You define defaults for Global and Local risks in the Risks tab. These parameters are used when you create a new risk.
1. From the Tools menu, choose Options.
2. Click the Risk tab.
3. Enter the default settings for the chance of:
    • risk occurrence
    • type of outcome
    • result of outcome.
    The result of outcomes is used to calculate outcomes for Relative Delay and Cost or Income Increase, as well as all user defined risk outcomes for non-schedule risks.
4. Select the default distribution for the moment of risk. This distribution is used to define when risk would occur during the course of project. It is defined by distribution type (uniform or triangular), and three parameters defining start, most likely, and finish time of risk occurrence expressed as a percent of total task duration starting from the beginning of the task. For example:
    • Distribution: Triangular
    • Start: 50%
    • Most likely: 80%
   • End: 100%
   In the above case, the default for new task with duration 10 days risk would occur after 5th day, but most likely would occur on 8th day.
5. Select the risk chance option. The chance can be defined per task (by default) or per duration unit. For example, 30% chance that task can be restarted per day. If task duration is 2 days, chance of risk occurrence per task will be 60%. This option works for all projects. You cannot have different risks with chance applied to the duration unit or chance applied to the complete task for the same project at the same time.

See also

Risks in RiskyProject

Setting up your project defaults

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