Analyzing Risk Mitigation Efforts with Multiple
RiskyProject allows you to create multiple baselines of the same
project. Multiple baselines can be used during the planning stage,
to determine the effects that mitigation your risk mitigation
efforts or response plans will have on the projects overall cost,
finish time, and success rates. You can save up to 10 baselines
versions of a project.
For example, once you have created your project and run a risk
analysis on it, you can create a baseline. When you create the
baseline, you can select a level of certainty (percentile) that you
have decided to use for management purposes. You can then model the
effects of mitigation efforts or risk response plans, This modeling
may include adding additional activities with resources and costs as
well as the closing or minimizing of risks. You can then create a
baseline of the “mitigated” project plan and compare it with the
unmitigated baseline. In this way, you can decide you risk response
plan as defined in PMBOK: avoid, transfer, mitigate, or accept.
Converting a baseline to a current schedule
Creating a mitigation or risk response plans
Assigning a mitigation or risk response plan to a task