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RiskyProject Data Sheets


All RiskyProject views, except for the Project Summary view and Project Dashboard, contain data sheets. Data sheets are used to enter and present data in a grid format. Grids are also used in some dialog boxes. All data sheets have similar features.

Data sheets are used to display task information, resources, risks, and results of sensitivity analysis. Data sheets are composed of columns and rows. Each column has specific properties, which represent a specific data type. For example, resource name, resource type, etc. You can customize data sheets to display the columns in any order and any with a title in the column header. See the appendix for a full description of each field.

Modifying data sheets

You can modify all of the RiskyProject views by inserting, modifying, or hiding columns depending on the type of information that you want to view.
1. Right-click on the column header.
2. From the shortcut menu, choose how you want to modify the column:
    •  Hide
    •  Insert Column Before or After
    • Modify (Change field type, Title, Title and Data alignment, Width)

•  This adjustment will be saved in RiskyProject data file associated with the particular project. Therefore, the next time you open the project, you will see your column modifications. This way you can create a customized data sheets for each view.
•  Remember that these adjustments to data sheets are inclusive to each view. For example, if you inserted column into the Gantt View, it will not be reflected in Result Gantt View.
•  You cannot hide or modify IDs.
•  You can modify the width of the ID column.

Copying, cutting and pasting selected rows

You can copy, cut, and paste selected items in each data sheet except for the results of sensitivity analysis.
1. Select one or multiple rows in a data sheet.
2. From the Edit menu, choose Cut or Copy.
3. Open the data sheet in which you want to paste the data.
4. Select the row in which you want to paste the data.
5. From the Edit menu, choose Paste.

• The maximum number of rows in RiskyProject is 10000. You cannot paste items beyond this limit. However if you import project from other project management software, maximum number of tasks will be increased so it would accommodate all tasks in the original project schedule.
• You can paste data only to compatible data sheets (e.g. tasks can be pasted to the data sheets, containing tasks, risks can be pasted to data sheets containing risks).
• You cannot paste data copied or cut in another document. The exception is risks.


Inserting and deleting items

You can delete and insert items for each data sheet except for results of sensitivity analysis. Any data that can be entered into the data sheet rows. The quickest to insert or delete items is to use the Insert and Delete buttons located on the Format toolbar.

1. Select an item or multiple items. New items will be inserted above upper selected item. The number of items to be inserted equals the number items you have selected.
2. From the Format toolbar, click the Insert Item button.


See also


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