Task Links
All projects require that the WBS tasks be performed in a certain
order. These relationships are defined in RiskyProject using the
four linking buttons located on the standard toolbar.

The four types of task dependencies are show in the following

If you want next task to be predecessor of previous task, for
example task 5 to be a predecessor of task 3, you will have to use
Predecessors tab in Task Information dialog box . You should also
use Predecessors tab if you want to define lag time greater than
Remember the following rules:
1. You cannot link summary task to one of its subtasks
2. The predecessors of a summary task must have a finish-start or
start-start dependency.
3. You cannot create circular relationships.
4. The connecting line between successors and predecessors will be red
if there is a scheduling conflict:

See also
Project Tasks
Task Deadlines