Predecessors and Lags
You define information about predecessors and lags in the Predecessor
tab of Task Information dialog box.
You can use the Standard toolbar button to link tasks; however, this
method of creating task dependencies has limitations:
• You cannot link a task (from example Task #5) to a previous
task (for example Task #3).
• You cannot input lag, which is time delay between
predecessor and successor. RiskyProject allows you to setup
probabilistic lag with statistical distribution defined by low,
base, high number.
Sometimes it is convenient to use predecessor tab instead of link
toolbar buttons when task has multiple predecessor or if there is a
big difference in task Ids between current task and predecessor. For
example, it is not convenient to link task number 5 to task number
74 using toolbar buttons.
• You may use Predecessor column within Gantt view to define
or modify predecessors. Text: “1, 2+2 days” would mean than current
task has two predecessors (Task 1 and Task 2 with lag 2 days).
Project Tasks
Managing Resources and Work
Adding constraints